Why Did Ukraine Attack Kursk?

Jordan Kovacsik
4 min readAug 13, 2024
Kursk Offensive, Ecrusized, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

As Ukraine approaches the second year of its existential crisis for existence, it has had to adapt in myriad ways.

Before the invasion, Ukraine was clearly forced to take a defensive posture on all fronts. Despite this posture, it still managed to inflict more losses on the enemy than it received. However, Russia has an obtuse amount of material and resources it can employ.

Furthermore, the Russians were making slow but impending progress in areas like Adiivka. The Russians also have gathered support from actors like North Korea.

All this culminated in many analysts either thinking the war has stagnated or the Russians are gaining the upper hand. But this was all an oversimplification, and it simply ignored the vast amount of Western munitions and training Ukraine was building in reserve.

The truth is Ukraine has been transitioning. They have been reinventing themselves on several fronts.

The fact is, the units, training, and weapons Ukraine has been receiving from the West were never intended to be used in the manner Ukraine was forced to use them. Western weapons, for the most part, are all designed to achieve Rapid Dominance.

Rapid Dominance uses combined arms and air superiority to cultivate hopelessness in the enemy. It’s designed to first strip the enemy of…

